Tuesday, January 8, 2008

30 Week Pregnant

I have read that between 40 - 75 % of pregnant women will experience swelling on their ankles and legs. And it's gonna be worse particularly in a hot day, or mummy has been on the feet a lot.

While mild swelling is normal but if ur face and hands begin to swell and it lasts for more than 24hours, or accompanied by weight gain, or high blood pressure, then mummy will have to let her gynae know bcos it might be a sign of preeclampsia, thought only affect approximately 5-10 % of pregnant women. Anyway, mummy is to maintain proper nutrition at all time.
And while mummy n daddy are busy n excited about the coming of their little baby, the little one's eyes can now be wide open. Weighing at about 3 pounds n measuring about 14inches, our little baby may even have hair at this stage of his development. (wow... this is intriguing)

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