Wednesday, January 30, 2008

32 Week Pregnant

This stage of our Little Precious' life will bring mummy-to-be walking waddly. This is because the pregnancy hormone, relaxin, will cause the softening of mummy's hip joints (pelvic ligaments and cervix).

Another challenge during this time onwards is to find a relaxing posture that you find comfortable for a good night sleep. Pregnant women should sleep in position that they find most comfortable, except that you are in a high-risk pregnancy where you should check with your care provider.

Now... let's look at our baby's progress. Weighing 3 pounds, 12 ounces, our little precious Prince/Princess is now 38 cm/ 15-1/4 in from crown-to-rumps. "Wow! This is a considerable growth for my baby" you may say. It's actually due to the increase of fat stores in our baby's body and muscle. And by now his/her head can move from side-to-side, and is taking up much of the space in his/her mummy's tummy.

One thing that we need to take note during this time is the early 'breaking of water', as we laymen will put it. Scientifically, it is called Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM). Though only happens to a very small percentage of pregnant mummy, anyway daddy & mummy should look at this seriously. Even if the water breaks early, you may feel a slow leaking. However, if you find an increase in discharge or a sudden bout of incontinence, then immediate check from your practitioner will be advisable to determine whether your water has broken or not.


Cat Cat said...

Wah Daniel, you ni expert in pregnancy eh..??? Congrats again.. I'm sure you're getting so excited and can't wait for the big day.. Eh, Kong Hee Fatt Choy to you and your family ya.

Daniel said...

Cath, i also read from those pregnancy magazines n search in website only know all this things.. sound like copycat hor hehe ;p

J@n!ce said...

Daniel, I bet you must have read up a lot on parenthood. That's good.

COngrates to you once again :)

Daniel said...

hi Janice, i gotto read up so that when that 'little devil' comes out, i won't b blur hahaha ;p