It was an anticipation just a week ago (last Sunday 5/10/2008) where I'll b reporting to work in my new company on 6/10/2008. The feeling was a mixture of eagerness and anxiety. And as usual, couldn't really sleep at nite thinking what will b installed for me on d next morning when i walk in d office... hmm..
So there came 6/10/08. Woke up pretty early though. Took a good warm shower. Get prepared n there i head off 2 work.
It was just before 9am when i reached the basement parking bay of the block when i got a call from one of d HR. "Hi... good morning, Daniel. May I know where r u? Are u coming over to work 2day?" "Oh... hi, good morning. Yes, im coming up now", i replied. Then there it goes. We (bcos there are 2 more newbies reporting 2 work wit me) were brought to d conference room to hv a brief introduction of d company n it's other achievements n stuff (brief huh... it took a blardy 2 hours mann...)
Then we were brought to each floor, departments and offices to be introduced to all d existing people there. I wonder how many times i hv said "Hi, I am Daniel. Nice meeting you" hahahaha
1st day at work is so damn boring!! Just sat there wit a computer in front of me. Nothing 2 do. Blur... Then my supervisor come 2 me n passed me some documents 2 read. "I wan u 2 read these documents n get urself familiarize wit it. We need 2 do testing in tis few days." N i was like, "huh!!! WTF??!! Just came in n gotto do testing oledi??" (but i din say it out ler.. heheh :p)
7/10/2008 continued wit d documents reading 4 d whole day. Booooorrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggg....................... ~_~
8/10/2008 was a bit of excitement. TST (my supervisor in short,. hehe) gave me d access 2 their testing environment n ask me 2 try login n see whether i can play around wit d system... So ther were logging ins, clicking of buttons n oso continue reading documents 4 d whole day... not much chance 2 surf net, though, cos dat see-too-peed TST keep coming over n check wat im doing... sigh sigh..
9/10/2008. We were required to shift our computers down to d Seminar Room at d 2nd floor 2 start testing. N there goes my ever slim chance 2 surf net liow... =( So many people in d room. n everyone is like so hardworking... n me? trying 2 look hardworking lor... hahahahah ;p
10/10/2008. More testing 2day. "Daniel, can u go 2 tis module in d system? Try 2 test on it n let me know d result" said TST. Then again "Daniel, can u try do **** n tell me wat u get"
Then i thought d week is over until.... "Daniel, for d next 4 weeks, we r required 2 come n work on Saturday. So 2moro u gotto come in n do testing"
KaBoom!!! I just crashed... come in 1st week only n start gotto come in Saturday... waaaaaaaaaaaaa............ heeeeeeeeeelp!!!!! :,(
No choice lor... gotto drag my arse 2 work yesterday
So tis is my 1st week at my new work... Dunno wat's coming in coming weeks. But dun worry, i'll try 2 sneak in n update my blog as often as possible hehehehe ;p
Ciao for now. Have a nice week ahead.