Oct 16th, 2007
(Sigh…) After last week’s ordeal of following my in-laws to look for their home furnishing and electrical stuff, I thought the long Raya weekend will be a time for me to have a rest to catch up some sleepy eyes. But this long Raya weekend is no different.
We went all over the town looking for
doors, door locks, beds and wardrobes.
It might look very few things in hand. But trust me. This is enough to make you run upside down and you’ll end up dead tired. I even dreamed about all these doors, knobs and locks when I went to sleep.
There are so many types, patterns, designs, and most importantly prices. So many dealers, so many prices…
So my self appointed interior design consultant wife was on a mission to compare prices, and choose the designs that suits her sister’s new house. (I tell U har… almost 99.99% of that things she chose are the most expensive ones in the store)
We were at one door locks factory in Sungai Buloh where Yvonne has chosen a door lock, and she happily tell her sister, VL.
Yvonne: Hey, come look at this one. Very nice and the design is not that lay ya (means lousy).
VL: Ya… not bad.
(after a few seconds)
VL: Wa!!! You very pandai choose hor… Come look at the price!
Yvonne: Wa!! RM600 plus for a door lock! …hehehe… soli har, I didn’t see the price just now. Just look at the design only… hehehe
We didn’t buy anything from that factory. And you guess right, the prices there are way too expensive for a lock or for other stuff.
I feel so tired today dragging my poor ass to work…
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