Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why Do We Pray If God Is Not In Our Heart?

Don't get me wrong here. This is not about any specific religion. What I am about to write here has nothing to do with specific religion, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or any other sect. I am looking into us, men & women, human being, believers in God.

Please leave this page if you are an atheist.

Do we pray, give offerings and praise our God because it is written in the religious holy book? Do we pray because your religion "dictates" that you have to perform prayers at such and such time, at such and such day, at such and such venue? Do we pray because it is merely a practice? a routine? or
Do we pray because God is in our heart?

Argument from the atheists will be that "where is God?" and/or "who can prove God exists?". And taking from here, may I ask another question, "why do people commit evil deeds in the name of God?" I never understand this!

Why do you perform prayers? Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus? Why? Is it merely a duty, a routine, or you just pray because you are afraid that you'll be "punished" if you don't?

What is the real reason or purpose that you pray? I belief there are many of us only pray, or look onto God, when we are facing with obstacles, at times of adversity, when we are in pain, at a lost, safe for many others are truly devoted to their beloved God. For these people, do you call yourselves a truly, purely, a member of that religion?

Then my question will be again, why do people commit evil deeds when they proclaim themselves a truly devotee to God?

God is in our heart, all the time. God is not a word of mouth.

Remember this. People betray people! People cheat people! People kill people! God does not and did not in anywhere instruct, advise, call out, dictate that you betray, cheat, lie or kill in his name! You did it on your own accord!

1 comment:

Yi May, Alexis said...

Well, to me, I pray to God everyday as a ritual to thank him for everything I had . Its a thing to make you feel grateful.