Monday, January 5, 2009

Making The Right Choice For Your Baby

It has been 10 months now, and looking back the time before he was born, yvonne and I were trying to decide whether to use those disposable diapers (which we usually labeled as "Pampers") or to use cloth diapers.

So, weighing the pros and cons of both we went. Though disposable diapers are much more convenient (for lazy people like me, of course hehe), but having a baby's soft skin being wrapped with the diapers for a long time will definitely result in major problem, not to mention rashes and worse is being infected with Urinary Tract Infection. This is definitely not the thing that we want our baby to endure.

So we decided to use cloth diapers. And with the hot weather that Malaysia is having, using cloth diapers will be much cooler for Ethan too. With just one drawback. Mommy and daddy gotto be very hardworking to wash and clean the diapers.

However, we are lucky, though. Yvonne's mom decided to help us take care of Ethan while we go to work and she'll be doing the laundry too. "Yeah... freedom" I almost shouted out. And thanks to her, we have saved alot since buying disposable diapers is not cheap.

So now we switch between cloth diapers and disposable diapers. Cloth diapers during the day when Ethan is in grandma's house, and disposable diapers at night as well as when we go out shopping.

1 comment:

Johnny Ong said...

when u bring the baby out, let the baby wear good diapers that cld withstand longer and wont leak

at home, can still use disposable or those cloth type