Friday, July 11, 2008

How To Maintain A Relationship?

There is a saying that to maintain a happy marriage, it's simply "never let a day go by that you don't let your beloved know how much you appreciate them and care for them"

However, more often than not, we tend to take for granted our 'significant half' and think that he/she "know", "should know", "must know" and "understand" your love for them, after a length of time. We tend to forget that we need to enkindle the 'fire' or 'spark' of love between you and your partner.

You may say there are so many distraction, so many chores, so many work to do that you do not have time to even think about this. And your partner should understand this. You might think that with the tight schedule of work you are having, coming home late is excusable. You might also think that your partner should understand when you throw tantrum all the time since you are bogged down with loads of work and chores. You think that it's 'okay' that you raise your voice against your partner over some minute matter which doesn't have any significant value. "Pressure" or "Tired", you claimed.

You might also think that sexual intimacy is not important anymore because it is not the most important thing in your mind now since you need to concentrate on your toddler. "He/She should be able to see it that I am busy and tired after a long day work. And then I have to take care of our baby", you said. "Where can we find time together when our baby needs full-time, 24/7, attention and care", you explained.

Where were the times when both of you go for a stroll, hand-in-hand, in the park? Where were the times when you spend romantic candle light dinner together? Where were the times when you have pillow fight with your partner? Where were the times where, on your bed, you turn over to him/her and say "Honey, let's get naughty"?

Where have all these gone?

Realizing this, you should try to make good your marriage relationship, and there are so many things that you can do. Your friends might tell you, "U shud talk to ur partner n make things out". Besides talking, you should also treat your spouse sincerely. It is important that you should treat your partner with considerable honesty, sincerity and kindness. Besides being your spouse, he/she is an individual with his or her own personality. Let's have the situation reversed. Would you like to be treated the way you treat your spouse?

Nobody wants to be belittled or put down all the time. However this is the fact in some marriage since their marriage life turns into focusing on the negative aspects of each other. This can really frustrate your spouse when it comes. We should recognise what your partner does well and comment only on the positive. Always appreciate his/her best qualities. Your partner may not possess all the best qualities but you should praise and appreciate the positive attributes of your spouse. A glass half empty, is also half full.

You should have realistic expectations from your spouse and your marriage. Many of us have this unrealistic expectation that we want our partner to be a perfect person. However, you need to understand that every human being is different and they may not meet or want to meet your expectations of 'being perfect'.

Spend quality time together. Make a conscious effort to plan "we time", not just "me time". Spend time together doing some activities that you mutually interested. Plan for a walk in the park every week, if not everyday. Do something nice for him/her on special occasions.

It's easy to Fall In Love, however it needs time and effort to Maintain A Relationship and Marriage.

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