Wednesday, February 27, 2008

37 + 38 Weeks Pregnant

37th Week 38th Week

Talking to some friends and they said that Yvonne is very very near to her labor due date. And yeah!! we are counting our days to baby's birth day and I'm very excited about it. (emm... 1st time be father mar )

So I read when our baby weighs over 5 1/2 pounds and finish the 37th week, our baby is considered Full Term and could arrive at any time. At this time, our baby is growing rapidly each day for the next 2 weeks and fat stored will help maintain his body temperature and glucose level. Weighing about 6 1/2 pounds and measuring 18 1/2 inches, our baby would look very well developed if born today. Adding to that he has a firm grasp reflex now. As light is shown, baby will now turn towards it (this is called the "orienting response")

However, he might still have vernix (a creamy coating protecting his skin) but is mostly confined to skin creases and folds, the back and neck.

This is really incredible. It feels like a blink of eyes from the day we found out that Yvonne is pregnant and now our little baby is full term and about to be born. Checking back, I didn't realize that I've written so much about pregnancy (err... not so much like those professional parenting sites lar.. pai sey) and soon I'll start to write stuff on parenting liow ...

My dearest friends, colleagues, blog readers n visitors, I owe this to all your supports and advises. Thank you very much. May b we can come out for yum cha (for a cuppa) n can exchange ideas hehehe


Mumsgather said...

Wow! These pictures are amazing! The 38th week one look like more crowded already. Hehe. Baby going to come out soon.

Daniel said...

Mumsgather, i guess the 38th week one baby is too big for his mommy's little tummy, so quite crowded kuah.. hehehe ;p