Monday, April 21, 2008

They R Just Blardy Annoying!!!

He: Hello, Sir, Mr. Daniel. I m XXX calling from ABC Bank.
Me: Uh huh... yea....?
He: Mr. Daniel, we are calling U 2day bcos U have been chosen in our lucky draw to b entitled for a "Reduced-Interest-Fast-Cash" program.
Me: What? How do U get my contact number huh!?
He: Oh... Mr. Daniel, we understand that U have a credit card facility with our bank n U r automatically entitled to b part of this program
(n b4 I can say anything... he continued)
He: So, Mr. Daniel, b4 I can go ahead to enlighten U on our great offer, I'll need to make a slight verification from U. May I, Mr Daniel, have UR Credit Card number?


This really pisses me off here... Hey!!! U!! U claimed that U r calling from this blardy (mudda farking) bank n know that i hv UR blardy credit card n now U blardy farking come n ask me what (duh fark) is my credit card number for verification?!!!?

I shud b the one 2 blardy verify UR blardy info b4 I tell U anything!! U hv my info rite!? Now U tell me what I wanna hear, n let me tell U whether U hv got the correct "lucky" person or not!!

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