Tuesday, November 20, 2007

23 Weeks Pregnant

You may felt the tightening of your lower abdomen during this stage of pregnancy, and this period of contraction and relaxation of the uterine muscles becomes more noticeable as pregnancy advances. This is known as the Braxton Hicks contraction. (waa... name also so canggih hor.. hehe)

You are more likely to experience this sensation after a busy day, exercise, or even when you are a bit dehydrated.

I should make sure that Yvonne doesn't 'overwork' herself and importantly to take more fluids. Plus one thing to note is that if you experience this for more than four times in an hour, then you should let your doctor know. The good news is, Braxton Hicks begin the process of ripening of mum-to-be cervix which might mean easier labour for you.

Besides all the changes in you, your little baby is also going through some changes. At 20cm from crown-to-rump and about one poun (500gm) mark, the baby's lungs begin to develop surfactant. And his/her fingernails are now fully/completely formed. (err... what is surfactant har???)

Surfactant is a substance that will help our little baby's lungs to expand following his/her birth (ooohh... now i know what is that surfactant... ) =p

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