Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 15 of Pregnancy

Today is exactly the 100th day of my wife’s pregnancy.

On week-15, baby is now 3.2 to 4.1 inches long, from the top of his head down to his rump, and weighs almost one ounce.

For the mother-to-be, your uterus is just popping up above the pubic bone. You are at a very in-between stage right now.

At this stage, mommy may not yet look pregnant to the world — or may have already popped out. There is a great variation in the time your pregnancy becomes visible. This usually occurs between 14 and 20 weeks. But, if this is the second or third pregnancy, “showing” is sooner than a first-time mom because the muscles of the abdomen are a bit more lax, and the uterus tends to fall forward more easily because of the relaxation of the supporting ligaments.

As to the baby, at this stage, the baby’s skin is very thin, and blood vessels can be seen underneath. The skin is covered with a fine, fuzzy hair called lanugo, which will not fall out until the baby nears full-term. The heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood per day.

This week marks a period of rapid growth for the baby. So, mommy will need to get more rest.

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