Thursday, October 18, 2007

What’s Happening With You When You Are 8 Weeks Pregnant

What’s Happening With You When You are 8 Weeks Pregnant?

Read here that feeling bloated, and indigestion are the common complaint during this stage of pregnancy.

Feeling a bit bloated is actually caused by the slow digestive process, and it allows the bloodstream to better absorb nutrients that are then passed on to the baby. Wearing loose-fitting clothes, eating small frequent meals is advisable and it is important to chew your food thoroughly and avoiding high fat food. Rest assured that your baby is oblivious to your pain and discomfort.

As to the baby, your baby’s head is quite big due to the rapid growth of the brain and the upper limbs resemble paddles. The baby’s heart begins to separate into four chambers, and blood is circulating throughout the body.

Intestines form within the umbilical cord, but will later migrate back into the abdominal cavity. In the next few days, foot plates, with the beginnings of toe rays, will appear. The external ears are now present. Your baby is now 10 to 13 millimeters long – about the size of a cherry. The cells that will become either testes or ovaries arrive, but there is no obvious sign of gender yet. Muscle contractions are beginning, but these early “movements” are not yet perceptible.

It must be noted that this period of time is especially important as most parts of the body are formed and rapid brain development occurs. And important to consume or take neither alcohol nor tobacco products, and also to reduce in the intake of caffeine.

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