Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 16 Of Pregnancy

Today is the 111th day of my wife’s pregnancy.

But during this time, due to altered levels of hormones, which may cause the mucous membranes in mommy’s nose to swell. So, nasal congestion and nosebleeds are an annoying side effect of pregnancy. Increased blood volume and softening of the tissues also contributes to this.

It is understood that Vitamin C deficiency may cause nosebleeds, so an increase in your consumption of vitamin-C-rich foods may help. Use nose drops, other than saline, is not advisable unless recommended by your care provider.

The Baby:
Weighing about three ounces, baby one is now 12 centimeters crown to rump. Baby’s head is now held high, and limb movements occur in a coordinated fashion. The eyes have come closer together so that they face forward, and the baby begins to blink.

Tiny toenails are beginning to form. We can now see from an ultrasound the sight of baby sucking his or her thumb. And that’s not all you may see: Gender is now recognizable, if you have an extroverted fetus. But this we do not wish to see yet…

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